Develop your imagination
People and Society
According to Albert Einstein, imagination is the greatest power available to human beings. What saddened him was to see that man used it to worry. This creates obscure scenarios that generate unpleasant emotions which, in turn, generate enormous stress. All this happens in our head. The great thing is that everyone is free to choose. Imagination is a treasure, a miracle. You have to believe in this childish faculty of being able to marvel.
Find your style
Your personal clothing style will obviously depend on your preferences. For this reason, you need to seriously determine what you like and what you don’t like. Go out shopping and have fun trying on and experimenting. Play with colors, printed patterns, cuts… Try to determine what really suits you and what you like. This will help you in the future to know which pieces fit your figure and personality perfectly and thus ultimately define your personal style.
The dry shampoo, a friend who wants you well
Style and Beauty
Do you still need to sing the praises of dry shampoo? While it doesn’t replace a classic shampoo in the long run, it’s still the ultimate superhero product. Not only does it save you the trouble in the mornings when you don’t have time to go through the shampoo box, it’s also the best way to add volume and body to your hair and make it easier to hold hairstyles.

Learn a few words
Memorize a few words of the local language, and have the courage to use them! It’s amazing how a few words can do a lot. People tend to prefer those who make the effort to communicate with them in their own language.
Discover new things
Wine and Dine
Whether you’re traveling or not, it’s never too late to discover new flavors and new dishes. Visit traditional restaurants so you can travel while you’re at the table.
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